mDoc for health plans

Evidence-based care at scale

mDoc's personalized programs inspire better health outcomes across your full member population

95% Overall Customer Satisfaction

mDoc leads to real gratitude. In fact, 77% of employees feel grateful toward their employer for choosing mDoc.

Help your team prioritize their health

With mDoc's virtual self-care support we help your team stay healthy so you can focus on delivering maximum impact.

Health metrics' tracking
24/7 virtual self-care support
Virtual exercise classes
Guidance on work-life balance

Here are three ways we can be of help to your business

Your employees determine your company's success and perfomance. We are here to help you priotize their health.


Emotional Wellness Support

Your employees get access to emotional wellness coaches available to address and support them as a team, for better productivity and work-life balance.

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Personalized Health Coaching

Individual team members have access to health coaches to help in co-creating smart health goals and practical action plans for a healthier lifestyle.

Dietary and Fitness Support

Teams can access nutritionists who can provide nutrition guides and best practices. There are also weekly exercise classes (led by dedicated fitness coaches) tailored to fit your team's work schedule.

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mDoc's multi-condition virtual care programs produce successful health outcomes

Digital Transformation in Maternal Care: Who is a Digital Mom?

Digital Transformation in Maternal Care: Who is a Digital Mom?

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August 27, 2024

Innovations in Digital Health: Presenting mDoc’s AI-Driven Approach at the African Digital Health Summit

Innovations in Digital Health: Presenting mDoc’s AI-Driven Approach at the African Digital Health Summit

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July 17, 2024

A Healthier You: Small Changes, Big Impact

A Healthier You: Small Changes, Big Impact

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June 14, 2024

How mDoc’s Quality Network is Building Capacity of Healthcare Systems in Africa

How mDoc’s Quality Network is Building Capacity of Healthcare Systems in Africa

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July 13, 2023